Juanita Phillips
Juanita Phillips has been exploring the world her whole career, as both an international news presenter and a keen traveller. She first left Australia as a 21-year-old journalist, backpacking around the world solo for three years.
Her adventures included hitchhiking from Istanbul to London, being stranded in Cairo with no money after being robbed, working as a cocktail waitress in San Francisco’s Haight Ashbury district, and trekking the remote foothills of Kashmir.
Her 30-year career as a television news presenter gave her a new way to experience the world, bringing stories of global significance to an audience of millions. She lived for five years in London, anchoring international news programs for the BBC and CNN, before returning to Australia for a 22-year career with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation as the presenter of its prime time 7pm News.
Now that her children are grown, Juanita has returned to what she loves best - seeing the world from outside the TV studio, this time in style and hosting like-minded others.